Hum Along With Me :Part V:


“Hey.” The subject of Sephiroth’s thoughts said, suddenly appearing to hover by his right shoulder. “There’s an overhang you could shelter under a little bit from the creek.” The blond said, pointing off to the side. Sephiroth followed his finger and peered into the evening gloom where he could just make out a large rock formation buried under the trees. An overhang wasn’t ideal, but it was better then nothing. Sephiroth nodded and changed his course to make his way towards the rocks, leaving the calmly bubbling creek behind him, but still within reasonable distance for him to travel for water. The fairy darted ahead, his small figure disappearing quickly into the gloom as he no doubt went to make sure the overhang was clear.

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Splitting It Even II



They must have made an odd tableau, Angeal fighting to not laugh at his friend while Genesis kicked his legs about on the floor in mirth, Sephiroth finishing the picture by just standing there, ears red and a massive tear in his pants.

He might have even found it amusing if he wasn’t too busy trying not to be embarrassed. This was a first for him. He’d torn shirts and coats, but never his pants. Not to the point you could easily make out the color and style of his underwear. Hell, if he looked just right, he could even see the contours of his dick through the cheery fabric.

Angeal finally lost his valiantly fought battle with his mirth, and started chuckling.

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And push it down

Just light the match, burn it out

Watch the wood turn black…

Then I can hold you

with my sin…

My Silver Elite Secret Santa gift for owmyhearteries! Happy holidays! And somehow I doubt when you said ‘Sephiroth and Cloud’ you would’ve meant… whatever the heck this is… but angst is my genre, so I hope you enjoy it anyway!

when I look back at this and realise it’s been made…real…a real fanart by one of my favourite fanartists ever, and not just some abstract picture I made up with my head late at night after reading several cloud/sephiroth tragedy angsty fics in a row, I feel…overwhelmed by so many feels it’s almost painful…oh how I love this.